Fun Fact Friday
These are irises, the most beautiful flower ever!
Okay, so that is not a fact, but an opinion. However, these irises are so lovely that I wanted to share them with you! Our Fun Fact is coming up. But first:
Today is a "D" day, so a special shout out goes to the students in these classes:
Ms Davis 3rd grade, Ms Hassemer 4th grade, Ms Cummings 5th grade, Ms. Blume Kindergarten, Ms Johnson 1st grade, and Ms Heath 2nd grade!
Fun Fact
image from Pixabay
in 1980 the company Namco released the arcade game Pac-Man. According to a 2011 news article from, "Pac-Man's favorite snack pellets -- the tiny dots he munches as he moves around the video game board -- were originally cookies." The ghosts that chase Pac-Man around are named Inky, Blinky, Pinky, and Clyde.
Fun Fact #2
You can play the game Pac-Man today on the Google homepage. Google has released some of its most popular Google Doodle games these last two weeks, and you can still play them by going to the Google homepage.
Fun Fact #3
You can play the game MathMan on ABCYa! It is a great way to have fun while practicing math facts. ABCYa! is found in Student Resources on the Shepard homepage. MathMan and MathMan Jr. are found in the blue Numbers section of ABCYa! If we were in school, this would be a Fun Friday, so enjoy those games in ABCYa! today!
Stallion Story Time!
The Stallion Story Time can be found on Flipgrid at:
The user ID is 2020.
That's it for today. Enjoy your weekend! I'll see you on Monday.
I miss you!