
Monday, December 20, 2021

Fun Fact Monday Dec 20

 Ice Castles

image from Deseret News

image from Bangor Daily News

Ice castles were first created by a man named  Brent Christensen.  He created ice creations in his backyard to entertain his children during the long winter months.  People began driving by to see his icy sculptures, and Brent decided to make the attraction known as Ice Castles.  Ice Castles can be found in four locations throughout the US and Canada.

photo from Christopher Lough


Monday, December 13, 2021

Fun Fact Monday Dec 13



image from Easy Food

Gingerbread is a traditional food during the holidays.

Here are some interesting facts about gingerbread according to the website "Easy Food":

1. Gingerbread men were first created at the request of Queen Elizabeth I of England.

 2.  Swedish tradition says that if you put a piece of gingerbread in the palm of one hand and make a wish and then break the gingerbread with the other hand into 3 pieces, your wish will come true.

3.  The largest gingerbread house is listed in the 2013 Guiness  World Records as being in Texas.  The gingerbread house can hold a family of five.

image from


Here are videos of how to create fun gingerbread houses:

Monday, December 6, 2021

Fun Fact Monday Dec 6


Fun Scratch Jr Facts

This is the original Scratch cat created in 2002.

Scratch Jr was created in 2014 to appeal to younger students.  Scratch Jr has several friends including:

"Scratch takes its name from a technique used by disk jockeys called "scratching", where vinyl records are clipped together and manipulated on a turntable to produce different sound effects and music. Like scratching, the website lets users mix together different media (including graphics, sound, and other programs) in creative ways by creating and remixing projects, like video games and animations."    -  Kids Encyclopedia Facts