
Monday, June 15, 2020

Monday Fun Fact! June 15th

Beauty of Mosaics
Mosaics are "pictures or patterns produced by arranging together small colored pieces of hard material, such as stone, tile, or glass"  - definition from Oxford Languages.  Here is an example:

Up close, the colored pieces are distinct and separate.  When you step back a little, you can see the pattern:

Here is another one:

Can you tell what this is?

It is part of a tree with a moon behind it :)
I took these pictures while walking downtown in Columbia, on the corner of 8th Street and Broadway, I believe.  You can find mosaics in many interesting places!

Mosaics have been used for many, many years to decorate walls, ceilings, precious objects.  They can be very durable.  Here is an example of a mosaic tile floor in an ancient Roman house:

-image from iStock

You can create your own mosaic using pieces of colorful paper.  Cut or tear the paper into little pieces and glue them down in a design pattern.  Have fun!

Observation Update

Remember that pentas flower at Shelter Gardens that was so small compared to the other flowers?  Here is a picture of it:

Here it is (red arrow is pointing to it) planted with the other flowers.  You really cannot see it unless you walk right up to it.  

Here it is today:

Can you see it?  It is getting bigger!  Here is the same picture with a red arrow pointing to the pink pentas flower:

By the way, do you see the plant just above the orange flowers that has bloomed?  The big white trumpet-looking flowers?  They are beautiful!  According to iNaturalist, they are called Angel's Trumpet.  Pretty neat description :)

That is all for today!  See you on Friday with another fun fact.