
Monday, June 8, 2020

Monday Fun Fact! June 8th

American Bald Eagle

--image from

The bald eagle, the national bird of the United States, is found only in North America. They have a wing span of 7 feet, and they can live for 20 years.  Bald eagles build nests in forests, near bodies of water.  The largest bald eagle nest was recorded in St. Petersburg, Florida.  This nest was 9 1/2 feet wide and 20 feet deep!  The nest was estimated to weigh about 2 tons.

--  information found from

You can watch a bald eagle in its nest.  Go to the CPS Science page at
There you can choose to watch a live webcam of the eagle or an assortment of other animals like wolves, dogs, cats, and even beehives and jellyfish!

Nature Observation

Isn't this a pretty plant?  Its small pink petals look so lovely with its bright green leaves.  I believe that it is a pentas plant.  Pentas are also known as Egyptian stars because of the shape of the flower.

Are you able to spot that beautiful pentas flower in this flowerbed?

There it is!  It is small compared to the many orange colored flowers around it, but you and I know how beautiful that pentas plant is, even if it is hard to see it.
Kind of like us, hmmm?  We are all beautiful, no matter how small or insignificant we may look.  Just wait - in a few weeks this pentas plant may grow up to be very noticeable, but for now, only we know it is there *smile* and that it is important.

Here are some other pictures from my visit to Shelter Gardens:

I enjoy going to Shelter Gardens because it is a beautiful, peaceful spot to enjoy flowers and nature.  Every few weeks I have been able to go there to see what new flowers have bloomed.  Do you remember the red tulips and colorful irises that were on this blog a few weeks ago?  Those have finished blooming, and new and different flowers have started to grow.  Shelter Gardens are open to the public, so you may want to check it out sometime.

That is all for today.  See you on Friday!