Kaleidoscopes and Glockenspiels
I love these two words! They are unusual, colorful words that can trip you up on a spelling test, lol! So, what are they? Here you go:
Sir David Brewster created the kaleidoscope in 1815 when he was studying light polarization. His creation was a tube with pairs of mirrors at one end, pairs of translucent (allowing light to pass through but not detailed shapes) disks at the other end, and beads between the two. His invention was intended to be a scientific tool; it soon became a toy with two hundred thousand kaleidoscopes sold in London and Paris in three months!
"Glockenspiel" means "to play the bells" in the German language.
The glockenspiel looks like a small xylophone, but it is made of steel bars.
You play a glockenspiel with wooden mallets, producing a unique, high tuned sound. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart composed The Magic Flute in 1791, and he used a glockenspiel for the bird catcher's character.Have a wonderful weekend! See you on Monday!