
Friday, July 10, 2020

Friday Fun Fact July 10

Gateway to the West
image from Wikipedia

The Gateway Arch in St. Louis is the tallest man-made national monument in the United States.  It was built in 1965 as a celebration of the westward expansion of the United States.  The Gateway Arch is exactly as wide (630 feet) as it is tall (630 feet).  It has foundations sunk 60 feet into the ground.

image from Freerange Stock

The arch was built to withstand earthquakes and high winds.
The arch is hollow and has a tram system that takes visitors to the top for a wonderful view of St. Louis.

The great thing about the St. Louis arch is that you can enjoy it for free!  There is a cost to ride to the top, but you can also just walk up and touch the stainless steel legs and marvel at the construction of this beautiful arch.

Oh, the St. Louis Zoo is free too! ;)  

Have a great weekend!  See you on Monday :)