
Friday, July 24, 2020

Friday Fun Fact July 24

Do Si Do!!

image from Free Clipart

Bow to your partner, bow to your corner.
All join hands, and circle to the left....

Do those words sound familiar?  If so, then you know about square dancing!
Europeans who settled in the 13 original colonies of North America brought with them folk dances from their country.  French dancing styles were quite popular in the years following the American Revolution.  In fact, several terms now used in modern square dancing come from France, such as "allemande", "promenade", and "do-si-do".   Do-si-do is actually a form of the French phrase "dos-a-dos" which means "back-to-back".

Twelve of the basic square dance "calls" are:

Circle Left
Allemande Left
Do Si Do
Right and Left Grand
Roll Away to a Half Sashay
Ladies In, Men Sashay
Pass Thru, Separate and Go Home
Weave the Ring
Box the Gnat
Wrong Way Grand

Now circle to the right...
Square your sets, you're lookin' out of sight!

That's all for today.  Have a wonderful weekend!