
Friday, December 18, 2020

Friday Fun Fact Dec 18

Christmas Star

image from Mark Hostetler

Jupiter and Saturn have been getting closer and closer these past few nights. On December 21, they will appear so close in our sky that they will look like a double planet.  They have not been this close and visible in the night sky since March 4, 1226. 

Look for this amazing view, called by many the Christmas Star, for the next few nights an hour after sunset in the western sky. 

Jackson Pollock

image from Guggenheim Museum

Jackson Pollock was an artist who put large canvases on the floor and painted them, moving quickly and dribbling paint in long, wobbly lines.

Sometimes he threw the paint onto the canvas.  His way of creating art is called "action  painting".  Here is a video about Jackson Pollock's art from the Museum of Modern Art:

Go to this website to paint like Pollock:

Hint:  every time you click your mouse, the color changes :)

"Painting is self-discovery. Every good artist paints what he is."

- Jackson Pollock 

Stallion Storytime

Have a wonderful weekend!