
Friday, December 4, 2020

Friday Fun Fact Dec 4

Taiko Drums

image from Swarthmore Phoenix

I was walking past Mr. Thomas's classroom today and saw a picture of taiko drums on the bulletin board outside his room.  I wondered what they are and started searching for information.  Here is what I found:

The taiko drum is from Japan.  In taiko drumming, movement is just as important as rhythm.  The drummers must be in very good physical shape because they use their entire bodies to beat the drums and they do it with all of their energy.

image from Japan Travel

There are many sizes of taiko drums. The world's largest taiko drum weighs 3.5 tons, and only the most experienced drummers are allowed to play it.

The drummers use two bachi (wooden sticks) to play the taiko drum.  The drummer uses choreographed movements which look similar to Japanese martial arts movements. In fact, to perform well, you must have training in endurance and speed, much like training for the martial arts.    

Taiko drumming sounds like a wonderful way to develop your body and your spirit!  

Taiko Drumming

See you on Monday!