
Saturday, October 3, 2015

Friendly Letters and Puppies ๐Ÿ˜€

Our classes have been practicing typing skills by writing friendly letters to their teachers or to me.  Letters that they wrote to me will be kept for future reference because I asked them to tell me five favorite things. We will use those favorite things to work on research and PowerPoint projects later in the year.
We also had our first assembly!
Our kindergarten classes are still practicing using the mouse on the computer.  Joshua, a fifth-grader, made a wonderful smart board project for our kindergarten students! He covered pictures of puppies with layers of "paint" , and the students each took a turn at uncovering the puppy by erasing the paint with the mouse. Then, each student got to erase the paint another time using the smart board eraser. Good fun and good practice!

Joshua, our smart board hero!

See you next week!