
Saturday, December 26, 2020

Friday Fun Fact Dec 25


Why Do Dimes Have Ridges?

image from Littleton Coin Company Blog

The United States passed the Coinage Act in 1792 which established the US Mint. According to

“That same act of legislation also specified that $10, $5 and $2.50 coins (known as eagles, half-eagles and quarter-eagles) were to be made of their face value in gold, while dollar, half-dollar, quarter-dollar, dime and half-dime coins were to be made of their value in silver. (Cent and half-cent coins were made of cheaper copper.) But a problem soon arose, after would-be criminals saw they could make a good profit by filing shavings from the sides of gold and silver coins and selling the precious metal. Before the 18th-century was out, the U.S. Mint began adding ridges to the coins’ edges, a process called “reeding,” in order to to make it impossible to shave them down without the result being obvious. As a side benefit, the reeded edges also made coin design more intricate and counterfeiting more difficult.”

image from Treehugger

I hope that you are having a wonderful winter break!  I will not post again on this page until January 11th.  

Be safe!  See you then!