
Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Guess What Day It Is?

Wild Guess Wednesday!

Do you know where I get these fun national day titles?  Go ahead!  Take a wild guess, hahaha!!

It's from our principal, Mrs. Edwards!
And Mrs. Edwards uses website to share these days with us. Thank you, Mrs. Edwards!  You can go to this website to find your own fun national days to celebrate. There are recipes that you can try and trivia games that you can play.  For example:

What can travel around the world while staying in a corner?
Take a wild guess!   ?????

A stamp!

Which word in the dictionary is spelled incorrectly?
Take a wild guess!  ?????


It is time to celebrate the students of my "C" day!  Special hello to the students of :
Ms Fitzpatrick 3rd grade, Ms Kolkebeck 4th grade, 
Ms Buddemeyer 5th grade, Ms Floyd Kindergarten, Ms Sharp 1st grade, and Ms Johnson 2nd grade!

National Day Calendar is not the only website I have to encourage you to try out.  I also want to remind you - especially my 2nd-5th graders - of this awesome website:

This is a great place (and time!) to learn how to code using Scratch coding blocks.  You can ask for permission to create your own account and save your work.  You can use the website without creating an account, but your work may be gone after you exit the website.
Remember how we always seemed to run out of time during one class period to explore all of the music and characters and games that you can create on Scratch?  Now you have the extra time to make your own designs!  You will be teaching ME next year about how to use Scratch!  *smile*

Okay!  That is all for today!  See you tomorrow!
Miss you!