
Monday, April 20, 2020

So You Think You Know About Cats?

Fun Fact Monday!
Yes, it's Fun Fact Monday, and that means that I'll share a fun fact with you today.  But first, let's give a special welcome to my "B" day classes:

Ms Hager 3rd grade, Mr O'Connell 4th grade, Ms Roper 5th grade, 
Ms Johnson Kindergarten,  Ms Simon 1st grade, and Ms Krueger 2nd grade!


This is my son Michael's cat,  Penny:

Isn't she beautiful?

Now for the FUN FACT:  

"Nearly 10 percent of all of a cat's bones are in its tail."

I found this fact on the website Red Tricycle (
You should always double check your facts, so I went to other websites to verify this fact about cats.  You know what?  There is something called a polydactyl cat!  I love finding out additional cool facts when I'm looking to verify information!  What is a polydactyl cat?  Are there a lot of polydactyl cats?

Hmmmm . . . I think that I"ll let you look that information up for yourself :)

Oh!  I almost forgot!  Yes, it is true that nearly 10 percent of all cat's bones are in its tail!  They said that cats have around 244 bones in their body, and 20 to 23 of those bones are in the tail.  That's a lot of tail bones. 

And now a picture of Penny climbing the screen wall of her "catio".  She is trying to get at the geckos, but they are on the outside of the screen, lol.

Hey!  Geckos!  That would be a neat subject to look up, right?  How big do geckos become? What do they eat?  Where do they live?
See how fun it is to wonder???

Join the Stallion Story Time on Flipgrid!  Here is the link:

The user ID is 2020.

Okay!  That is all for today.  See you tomorrow.
I miss you!!