Hoppy Wednesday!
I said "Hoppy" because as I was writing this blog, a robin hopped into my bird bath! All of nature is out and about today, and that seems very appropriate since today is the 50th anniversary of Earth Day!
First, a BIG HELLO! to the students in my "D" day classes:
Ms Davis 3rd grade, Ms Hassemer 4th grade, Ms Cummings 5th grade, Ms. Blume Kindergarten, Ms Johnson 1st grade, and Ms Heath 2nd grade!
Wednesdays are our days for trying a special website. Because today is Earth Day, I would like to suggest that you check out the Missouri Conservation Department's website at https://nature.mdc.mo.gov/
Here you can discover nature, find spring trees, explore various field guides, and locate places to go in Missouri. I'm using the field guide myself to figure out what wildflower this is in my yard:

I also discovered that my hosta is growing now:
Happy Earth Day! Nature is blooming and growing all around us!
Today is also Secretary's Day!
Shepard school has two amazing secretaries: Ms. McDonald and Ms. Holt. They are absolutely wonderful, and they help keep us all connected. Thank you!! Here is a big hug from all of us at Shepard school:
That's all for today . . . see you tomorrow!
I miss you!