
Friday, May 15, 2020

Packing Up

Shepard Love

I had the opportunity to go back to the computer lab classroom this morning to pack up.. Golly, I miss you all!  It has been fun keeping in communication with you through this blog, but of course it is not the same as seeing you in person!!
I did find a nice surprise of notes from some of you on my desk :)
Thank you Barry Fraser for letting me know that you are reading my blog!
If you would like to say "hello" or comment on my blog, please email me at 
I would love to hear from you!

Today is an "A" day, so let's say a big "Hello" to the students in the following classes:

Ms. Wilcox 3rd grade,  Ms. Shaw's 5th grade, Ms.Sicht's Kindergarten, Ms. Snyder's 1st grade, and Mr. Smith's 2nd grade!

Classroom Pictures here

This year we traveled through the solar system as we worked on Digital Citizenship, ST Math, Word Processing, Spreadsheets, Research, and (through this blog) Media Presentations. Remember how I said that we would keep Pluto for a special assignment?  Well, I had no idea that we would not be here at school to decide on what assignment Pluto should be!  However, there is a perfect assignment for Pluto:  Distance Learning! 
You can go to BrainPop in your CPS portal and watch a video about Distance Learning.  Type in "Distance Learning" in the search bar and enjoy the video.  You will be reminded to use proper digital etiquette when you are online.  There are great videos in BrainPop about this:  choose the blue Engineering and Tech button and then choose the Digital Citizenship button.  There you will find video subjects about Digital Etiquette, Online Safety, Information Privacy, etc.

Congratulations to our 5th graders who completed levels in Typing Club!
Congratulations to all Shepard students who worked hard while in our computer lab!  You achieved success!

Fun Fact:

The Ozark National Scenic Riverways is a national park in the Ozarks of southern Missouri.  One of the spots that you can visit on the Ozark National Scenic Riverways is Alley Spring.  My husband introduced me to Alley Spring several years ago, and it is one of my family's favorite places to go! There is a red mill there that used to grind wheat and corn for farmers.  The big water wheel that turned the gears for grinding grain was powered by the power of the water rushing out of the spring nearby.

The spring has an average daily flow of  81 million gallons! 

 Alley Spring also has lots of rocks to build rock towers! Those are my kiddoes Katie and Jacob having fun *smile*

AND . . .   I saw one of my favorite 5th graders at Alley Spring!  So good to see you, Brooklyn!

Today is National Pizza party Day!

That is all for today.  Enjoy your weekend!