
Friday, May 1, 2020

May Day 2020

May Day!


May 1 is May Day, and like Winnie the Pooh, a great way to celebrate is to sit outside and observe your world.  Nature is bursting forth all around us!

This is a "C" day, so here is a special welcome to the students in the following classes:

Ms Fitzpatrick 3rd grade, Ms Kolkebeck 4th grade, 
Ms Buddemeyer 5th grade, Ms Floyd Kindergarten, Ms Sharp 1st grade, and Ms Johnson 2nd grade!

Just for Fun:
Google's homepage features a new game today called Garden Gnomes.
It's hilarious fun "throwing" your gnome to plant flowers!

Today would also be Fun Friday, so here are some ABCYa! games that you can try out:  Daisy's Plumber Puzzle and Let Me Grow!
You can find both games in the green Strategy section of ABCYa!  Daisy can be found in the 2-5th grade levels, and Let Me Grow! can be found in PreK-5th grade levels.  Both games are about growing flowers - perfect for May Day!

Fun Fact!
The range of sounds that dogs can hear is almost double that of humans. A dog whistle makes a sound that is in the 50-kilohertz range. Humans hear in the 23 kilohertz range at the highest.  

Here is my dog, Bret, who likes to sit in the grass that has not yet been mowed.  He can hear me unwrap a cheese stick from far away, lol!

RADCAB is an acronym created to help you remember what to look for when you are doing research.  Today we'll focus on C: Currency.

When you do research, you want to be sure that your information is correct and up to date.  Some information does not change - for example, a dog will always hear better than a human.  But some information will change - technology and medicine are areas that change all the time.

"Knowing when the information source was last published or updated helps us determine the usefulness of the information presented."  -

As I examine the websites for information regarding the Chandra space observatory, I will want to make certain that the website has been updated with current news about the observatory.  When I go to , I can see that it has been updated several times as new articles are published.  That is current!  
Next week we'll talk about A: Authority.

Kindergartners and First Grade:  I am happy with the website because it is easy to read, and the website is easy to use.  Now I want to check to see the information on it is the most up to date.  That is called Currency.  
I see that articles on the website are from the year 2019 and 2020.  I know that this website uses the newest information available.  That is good.
Next week we'll talk about A: Authority.

That is all for today.  Enjoy your weekend, and I'll see you here on Monday.
I miss you!