
Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Website Wednesday

Whew! What a Storm!
The robins certainly know how to build a good nest!  There is a robin nest with three baby robins on the roof of our deck, and I was worried about them during the storm last night.  Thankfully, they made it through just fine:

The birdbath is full of fresh rainwater today, too.  It reminds me of the Langston Hughes poem from yesterday:  "The rain makes still pools on the sidewalk."  There is a still pool in the birdbath now, but as soon as the sun comes out, it will be full of flapping, chirping birds:

Today is an "A" day, so here is a special shout out to the students in my "A" day classes:

Ms. Wilcox 3rd grade,  Ms. Shaw's 5th grade, Ms.  Sicht's Kindergarten, Ms. Snyder's 1st grade, and Mr. Smith's 2nd grade!

Happy Wednesday!

The website  to share with you today is National Geographic Kids found at 

This website is where I found many of the Fun Facts that I shared with you in our classroom!  You can find a funny video "Wild Animal Selfies" in the Video section, discover  animals like the Amur Leopard in the Animals section, become a human spirograph in the Science tab of the Explore section, and find out what ice cream flavor you are by taking the Ice Cream Personality Test in the Personality Quizzes tab of the Game section.  I discovered that I am Mint Chocolate Ice Cream! (that game is for  you, Ms. Salmons!)
There is a lot to explore and enjoy today on the National Geographic Kids website!

Just for Fun:

Google has a new game today from Google Doodle world.  Click on the Google logo to discover Fischinger - you can spend this overcast day having fun with this musical entertainment!
  Oskar Fischinger was an artist who created musical animation in abstract form.

Specials Newsletter:
Be sure to check out the newest edition of the Specials Newsletter here:
You will find information from Ms. Heavin, Ms. Mclaren, Coach Smothers, Ms. Salmons, and myself!

RADCAB is an acronym created to help you remember what to look for when you are doing research.  Today we'll focus on A:  Appropriateness

When you look at materials and websites to find information about a subject, you want to be sure it is appropriate for you.  Appropriate means "suitable or compatible" when used as an adjective. (Thank you for that definition.)  If the information you are reading has words that you don't understand, it may not be appropriate for you, and you need to go somewhere else for information.  
For example, yesterday I was looking for information about the Chandra space observatory.  I found several websites about it, but which one is appropriate?  Wikipedia gave me some easy to understand information, so that was a start.  Remember - we want to check more than one website or source for our facts.  Next, I checked out the Chandra X-Ray Observatory website at   The .edu at the end of the address assured me that this was a trustworthy website, but I was concerned that perhaps there would be a lot of "science-y" and technical language that I would not understand.  If there was, it would not be appropriate for me because I could not understand it.  The website was just fine, and I discovered some cool facts about the Chandra!  Another website that I will use to find information is the NASA website at 
These three sources should be appropriate sources to use as I search for information!
Tomorrow, we'll talk about Detail.

Kindergarten and First Graders : Yesterday I told you that I was interested in finding out information about the Kinkajou.  There are several websites about the kinkajou, but which one should I use?  I want to look for an Appropriate website - one that has words that I can read and understand.  Here is a website where I found easy to read and understand information:  

It is good to look for more than one source for your information, so I also looked at 

The National Geographic website and the Wildlife Learning Center are two sources that I trust, so I know that information that I find there will be good.
If you are looking for information about an animal, I would strongly suggest going to your CPS portal and clicking on Pebble Go.  Pebble Go has easy to read information and pictures, and it will also read aloud the text. 

That is all for today.  See you tomorrow!
Miss you!!